Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Handsome Little Man!

You really never know what kind of updated information or photographs you might get as you go through the adoption process. So we were really excited when these arrived in Tim's email in-box today!

He already looks so much older than he did in his referral photos. And a lot less terrified, thank goodness!

I just want to squeeze him! We leave 2 weeks from yesterday. If you haven't yet heard, we're going to call him Moses Daniel. Daniel for my dad and also for a wonderful friend who passed away last year.

We're busily making lists and gathering things. Baby shopping is fun!

We are planning to travel with donations for the care center. Several people have already stepped up and given items to take. (If that includes you- thanks again!) If anyone else is interested, here is what our agency says is needed:

"RE: Donations: The care centers could really use cloth diapers, diaper pins, baby wipes, sanitizers, multivitamins w/iron for infants and toddlers, diaper rash ointments, etc...items like toys and clothing are more easily accessible than some of these other daily personal care supplies."

Ahhh! I'm so excited! =)



Unknown said...

Very cute pictures. Keep em coming.


Anonymous said...

What a handsome little guy!! I want to squish him too! Such a cutie.